May 27, 2023 1pm to 6pm

The Raven Tree Dome / Cochrane Alberta

As a modern-day mother, you are stretched for time and energy.

You prioritize the needs of others, but what if you flipped the script and started to prioritize yourself in order to fill your own cup to create and nurture your best self?

As Mothers, we can lose sight of who we are and feel disconnected from our own needs. What if we can do both… fill our cups first to overflow to those we love around us without being pulled.

That's where Soul Fest comes in!

At this 1-day immersive retreat experience designed for mothers by mothers, we will connect in community and healing to do exactly that ~ prioritize you. This is your place to reconnect to self and be unapologetically you.

You'll leave feeling empowered, seen, understood and more authentically you!

Allow me to introduce myself…

I am Allison Taylor, your main facilitator and guide through this immersive retreat experience.

I am the owner, operator and curator of modalities with Energy Den and the founder of Soul Fest Retreats ~ my passion project. I did not get to this space of following my passion and living in inspired action overnight… I spent years of my life, giving to others, as a mother, wife, career, home, until I couldn’t. I burnt out, I was sick, and became the walking poster child for dis-ease and I did not know that there was another way of being until I started coming out the other side. As I started picking up my pieces I realized that I was not alone in the pain, the fatigue, the stress and I was determined to help others navigate the world we are in with ease. I have come to a place of peace, calm, and passion with an incredible amount of support and navigation through naturopathy, nutrition, plant medicine, psychology, neurolinguistic programming, deep-diving into energy work and beyond to stand where I am today and I cannot wait to share with you, tools and practices that you can incorporate into your own life to support you in all that you are. I look forward to journeying with you!

"There were tears, there were laughs, there was connection, immense gratitude, and amazing collective energy. I will be keeping my eye on the Energy Den and seeing what they have to offer in the future."

~ Lindsay Harper

This retreat is for Momma's, the ones that give so much of who they are to others, to the Momma’s that are feeling disconnected, who push themselves hard and have forgotten what their needs are and want to reconnect with that spark within themselves. This is for the Momma’s looking for another way of being and not sure how to get there. We have a tendency to be in our heads, pulled by various demands from the world outside of us that we can begin to forget who we are. This is a day of connection to self, community, creating space within and coming home to the body.




What’s Included


    Three informative mini-workshops to nourish the mind: covering topics such as reconnecting with who you are, energy management, ancestral healing…


    You choose a Healing session to revive your energy, from a diverse selection of practitioners offering biodynamic craniosacral, energy healing, Reiki, access bars and more!


    An intimate gathering of like-minded mama’s to connect with to nurture your soul through self-exploration and guided journeys.


    Nutritious food and beverages to nourish your body, heart and mind.


How will a Soul Fest day Unfold


When You Arrive…

We come together as women in community, supporting and nurturing our individuality while beginning to co-regulate and create an incredible sacred container that nourishes us through the day. We will engage in connection exercises that allow us to explore a little deeper, discovering who we are now and who we want to be moving forward.

How the Afternoon Unfolds…

We will further explore more of who we are as we let go of the stories, expectations and belief systems that we carry around motherhood, creating space for what we want this to be for us and our families to come forward as we weave our way through the workshops and an individual healing session. The afternoon will explore energy work through exercises that identify where you may be leaking energy; to learning how to create thriving conditions that help us connect and show up as our authentic selves to heart connection breathwork exercises that connect you deeply to who you are and create space for you to come home to self.

The next day…

This is just the beginning. You have taken steps to reconnect with who you are, who you want to be and how you want to show up for yourself moving forward, filling your cup first, putting on your oxygen mask, then allowing all that you are to ripple out to the world by using the tools and wisdom gained over your time immersed in Soul Fest.

We are a handful of local healers uniting under one roof to ensure that through collaboration no mother gets left behind!

Our areas of specialty run from energy healing to yoga, meditation to coaching, and everything in between. Whether your goal is to find a sense of sanctuary or find more of your true essence, we will be there to assist using our unique gifts and modalities.

Click on he button below to learn more about the Practitioners and Facilitators for your retreat day!!


Through meditation, circle, energy healing, and more you'll re-awaken who you are here to be in the role of mother, friend, partner…all the hats that you wear… making space for:

  • More supportive and loving relationships

  • A deeper and more meaningful connection with your children and partner

  • A deeper connection to yourself and your needs and priorities

  • Greater awareness of your purpose

  • Freedom to be authentically you

  • An understanding and trust in your intuition

  • A refreshing surge of energy and vitality

  • The power to stand in your truth

You know you

don’t have to do

it all yourself.

That is why we created this

one day retreat to give you

time away from the norm to

get the recalibration, and

connection you’ve been asking for.

 Things you may be pondering…

  • Perfect! What better way to come forward as your beautiful authentic you than with a circle of women who are all experiencing the same thing! This is not an existing community, no one coming will know each other and from my introverted experience, this has been the fastest way to come out of my shell, out of my uncomfortable comfort zone. All we need to do is dip a toe, take that first step and the rest will unfold beautifully as it is meant to!

  • Then this retreat day is definitely for you! I used to say yes to everyone else but myself and it made me sick, literally! We are all here together to support each other in redefining how we want to move forward to live a life where we thrive… and when we do, those around us, our loved ones, can thrive too.

  • You are the person this retreat day was made for! There is absolutely no experience required for any point in the day. We have myself and some talented healers taking part and you can ask as many questions as you need to! The day is an experience, all that you need is an open heart and an open mind, the rest will happen for you!

  • The ticket pricing for this event is purposefully low and covers the costs to hold the event itself. The intention behind this is as a not-for-profit endeavour to ensure as many women who need an immersive, transformational day such as this, can attend. The value that is received within this container is well beyond the pricing of a ticket. The facilitators in this event are volunteering their time to support the community, it would normally cost $80 to $230 for an hour of their time and you will receive the wisdom and knowledge from five highly gifted change-makers, healers and guides. There is a cornucopia of knowledge at this event to be shared and this is an amazing opportunity to take advantage of this while it is available - to try different perspectives, engage with different healers and learn about several modalities all in one space.

  • This is time that you are spending on you, to support you in being the mother that you want to be, to learn tools and techniques that support the nervous system and therefore the rest of the body, helping to balance and bring in harmony for emotional and mental wellbeing. You deserve to take time to fill your own cup, learn strategies to keep your cup full and reconnect with who you are… it is time to put yourself first.

  • The tickets are non-refundable at this time. A spot is reserved when a ticket is purchased so please be sure that this is for you as there is limited seating.

  • There is a parking on site! You will receive a map for how to get to the location and where to park prior to the event!

  • Refreshments will be provided throughout the day such as water, tea, coffee, & snacks. Please pack a lunch that will keep you fueled as we are about 15 minutes away from Cochrane or Bragg Creek.

  • YOU are your greatest asset and worth the investment. Come explore this unique setting as you get to know yourself and allow inspiration to fuel your soul.


The Raven Tree Dome
Cochrane Alberta Area

272240 Grand Valley Road

Date & Time
Saturday, May 27, 2023
1 pm–6 pm


Your self-care & reconnecting with all that you are starts here