December 10, 2022

10 am to 6 pm

The Landing YYC

A one-day retreat designed to create the life that you truly desire and deserve. To begin to tap into all the possibilities that abound and take the first step into making them a reality…

...through this we explore universal laws, movement, embodiment and so much more to consciously create what is in our highest good.

“This was the perfect day in the perfect setting to realign and move forward on my journey.”

Cindy Knihnistki~ Soul Fest Retreats Attendee


This event serves to bring a community together to share, manifest, and transform

  • sharing our wisdom and knowledge

  • rediscovering our truest desires, passion, and alignment

  • reconnecting with spirit and a greater awareness of self in order to embody those desires

  • Build spiritual community and mentorship

  • learn and practice how to consciously create what we want to experience in this lifetime

"I highly recommend going to an event with the Energy Den. I have been looking for a group of women who want to connect, share & support each other without judgment. And I found it!! A sacred space to simply be heard without judgment. Pure magic!!"

Tracey Lundstrom ~ Soul Fest Retreats Attendee



Informative workshops to nourish the mind, covering topics such as Universal Laws, belief repatterning, and manifestation.


An intimate gathering of like-minded women to connect with and nurture your soul.


Healing activities and sessions to revive energy, including energy work, belief repatterning, breathwork, Qi Gong, sound healing, and coaching.


Nutritious food and beverages to nourish your body.


  • Energy healing is a holistic practice that activates the body's subtle energy systems to remove blocks allowing the body's inherent ability to heal itself.

  • Explore deeper layers of yourself through a 7-step system that identifies beliefs that are no longer serving you and create new beliefs that do. Profound, effective, and powerful.

  • The Access Bars® supports the body in releasing anything that does not allow you to receive and creating space for what you desire ~ bringing the body and mind into harmony.

  • Meditation is a simple practice available to all, which can reduce stress, increase calmness and clarity and promote happiness. supporting you on all levels and layers.

  • The essence of coaching: helping a person change in the way they wish and going in the direction they want to go, supporting the person at every level and every layer.

  • Reiki is a Japanese healing technique for stress reduction and relaxation that promotes healing and reconnecting with your body. heart, mind, and soul.

  • Breathwork refers to any type of breathing exercise or technique performed to improve mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. This practice can leave you feeling renewed! During this process, you will be connected to your creative, sexual energy for connecting with the frequency that you want to bring in for 2023.

“Thank you so much for having the vision of creating such a great retreat as well as a movement and community!”

Lindsay Harper ~ Soul Fest Retreats Attendee



We are a handful of local healers uniting under one roof to ensure that through collaboration no one gets left behind!

Our areas of specialty run from energy healing to yoga, meditation to coaching, and everything in between. Whether your goal is to find a sense of sanctuary or find more of your true essence, we will be there to assist using our unique gifts and modalities.


The dome is located on a property just south of Cochrane Alberta. This space is pure magic and holds the energy for this event in a beautifully, nurturing way. I cannot wait to grow in this space with you!

You know you don't have to do it all by yourself.

That's why we created this one-day retreat to hold space for you to explore your whole self - mind body and soul - with the support of community…

Click here to connect with the organizers and get your questions answered or see the Have Questions Section below!


Pondering Something?

We got you!

  • Perfect! What better way to come forward as your beautiful authentic you than with a circle of women who are all experiencing the same thing! This is not an existing community, no one coming will know each other and from my introverted experience, this has been the fastest way to come out of my shell, out of my uncomfortable comfort zone. All we need to do is dip a toe, take that first step and the rest will unfold beautifully as i tis meant to!

  • Then this retreat day is definitely for you! I used to say yes to everyone else but myself and it made me sick, literally! We are all here together to support each other in redefining how we want to move forward to live a life where we thrive… and when we do, the ripple effect goes far and wide! .

  • You are the person this retreat day was made for! There is absolutely no experience required for any point in the day. We have myself and some talented healers taking part and you can ask as many questions as you need to! The day is an experience, all that you need is an open heart and an open mind, the rest will happen for you!

  • The ticket pricing for this event is purposefully low and covers the costs to hold the event itself. The intention behind this is not to create profit but to ensure as many people who need an immersive, transformational day such as this, can attend. The value that is received within this container is massive ~ you will receive the wisdom and knowledge from five highly gifted change-makers, healers and guides. There is a cornucopia of knowledge at this event to be shared and this is an amazing opportunity to take advantage of this while it is available - to try different perspectives, engage with different healers and learn about several modalities all in one space. If you are looking for transformation, wisdom… change? This is it! You got this!

  • This is time that you are spending on yourself, to support you in connecting with who you want to be, to learn tools and techniques that support all of you, helping to balance and bring in harmony for emotional and mental wellbeing. You deserve to take time to fill your own cup, learn strategies to keep your cup full and reconnect with who you are… it is time to put yourself first.

  • The tickets are non-refundable at this time. A spot is reserved when a ticket is purchased so please be sure that this is for you as there is limited seating. Reach out to and let’s have the conversation!

  • Yes! There is parking at the Landing, the location of the dome. If you need a ride or would like to carpool, let me know! Directions and where to park will be provided upon ticket purchase.

  • Refreshments will be provided throughout the day such as water, tea, coffee, & snacks. Please pack a lunch that will keep you fueled for the day!

  • YOU are your greatest asset and worth the investment. Come explore this unique setting as you get to know yourself and allow inspiration to fuel your soul.

More Questions? Awesome!!! Reach out to



The Dome

South of Cochrane AB /
Rocky View County, AB

Date & Time
Saturday, December 10, 2022

10 am - 6 pm


Your greater awareness of the world around you has you asking a lot of questions.

We're here to guide and help by answering your questions, and encouraging further play and curiosity into the magical world of conscious awareness and intuitive living.